University of Rochester Debuts Customized Carts

University of Rochester Debuts Customized Carts

In a letter to fellow members of the Facilities Operations’ directorial staff at the University of Rochester’s School of Medicine & Dentistry:

SMD Environmental Services is proud to announce the release of their first round of new Geerpres Service Technician Carts.  Working directly with Geerpres, we were able to create a custom cart to fully meet the requirements of modern Environmental Services teams.  The new custom carts are direct replacements for their traditional Rubbermaid carts issued 10+ years ago.

Key features of the new carts include:

    • Built to specific UR-SMD Environmental Services requirements and specifications
    • Durable powder-coated finish, in university colors, for ease of cleaning/sanitizing
    • Hospital-quiet, sealed bearing, low-drag casters for improved patient/customer satisfaction and reduced worker fatigue
    • Proudly displayed official University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry logos; approved by UR Marketing and Graphics Division
    • Direct investment in the employee; improves worker morale and reestablishes the importance of their critical roles in healthcare
    • 33% smaller footprint and retractable front tray allows for ease of storage in closets with limited space; minimizes/eliminates abandoned carts in corridors
    • Integrated and lockable Virtual Manager tablet dashboard
    • 40% more secured storage for chemicals and supplies for increased productivity; minimizes/eliminates multiple trips to closets and supply rooms throughout workday
    • Specific storage shelf dimensions restrict quart-sized product use to “pull-top” only; reduces the chance of aerosolization of cleaning chemicals and disinfectants for improved worker safety and improved indoor air quality
  • Made in USA; makes warranty, service, and parts readily accessible

 Attached are a few photos for reference. 

 Thank you,

Christopher J. Licata
Assistant Director
Facilities Operations/Environmental Services
School of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Rochester Medical Center

Custom cart blueprint

Geerpres® Introduces Advantex® Single-use Cleaning Product Line

Geerpres® Introduces Advantex® Single-use Cleaning Product Line

Muskegon, MI, January 12, 2018: Geerpres® has a history of providing innovative cleaning products and supplies for healthcare, cleanroom, building service contractors, and EVS teams.

New to the lineup is the Geerpres® Advantex® Product Line featuring single-use mops, wipes, sponges and supporting cleaning systems. Multiple studies have shown that hospital floors harbor HAI (Hospital Acquired Infections) pathogen organisms. Geerpres® sponsored a microfiber mop case study to compare several brands on disinfectant neutralization, absorbency, coverage and wasted chemical solutions.

Pathogens and contamination are not being eliminated by traditional laundered mops, and inadequately laundered mops are being reintroduced to hospitals with remnant pathogens. To reduce HAIs and cross-contamination risks, hospitals should convert to single-use microfiber mops. The complete, full-length case study and lab results are available here for download. Research and testing conducted in 2017 by David Harry and Jack McGurk MPA.

Get Case Study

Research/Case Study Findings

  • Newly laundered microfiber mops from 11 hospitals, 27.3% contained microbial contamination, including HAI pathogens.
  • Microfiber mops have reduced efficacy as reuse and laundering takes place.
  • Pathogens are introduced to the floor by shoes, transport equipment, beds, treatment carts and patient socks for example.
  • In five Cleveland hospitals, 44% of rooms found pathogens (C. diff) after patient discharge.
  • Advantex® Single-use Mops showed better results for Quaternary and Chlorine compatibility compared to three other brands and laundered mops.
  • Laundered mops have the highest percentage of solution waste (62% compared to Advantex® at 4%).
  • Total HAI cost of $40.3 billion in 2009, represents 11% of total hospital spend.

Geerpres® has been in business for 81 years. Their stainless steel wringers, seamless buckets, and EVS carts have been the industry standard in healthcare facilities including hospitals, cleanroom, food service, education and more. The stainless steel cleaning products offer superior antimicrobial properties required in the healthcare environment. Geerpres® has expanded to include patented, self-dispensing microfiber applicators, single-use mops and wipes that virtually eliminate cross-contamination concerns. The GPS G8 Microfiber Applicator System and the Advantex® Mop Frame are currently available on a pre-order status. Geerpres® also offers a custom cart program that can be tailored for specific needs and facilities. For the complete Advantex® product lineup, visit

Company Contact:
(231) 773-3211
(800) 253-0373

Geerpres® Introduces New Linen Hamper

Geerpres® Introduces New Linen Hamper

Muskegon, MI, March 17, 2017: Geerpres® has a history of providing innovative cleaning products and supplies for healthcare, building service contractors, and EVS teams (Environmental Services).

New to the lineup is the Geerpres® Linen Hamper. This hamper features an unbreakable lid, a virtually silent “soft” and hands-free close, and the durability Geerpres® is known for – including a 2-year warranty. The tubular steel design is easy-to-clean and eliminates formed-wire frames. Designed for efficiency and safety, the Linen Hamper has a narrower profile, allowing unobstructed pathways and reduced workman’s compensation claims. HCAHPS scores can be improved with a unique and silent soft close.

Features of the Geerpres® Linen Hamper

  • Tubular steel construction for superior resilience and cleaning simplicity
  • Silent soft close to improve HCAHPS scores
  • Unbreakable steel lid with multi-lingual labels for “Soiled Linen”, “Hazardous Waste,” and “Refuse” included
  • Narrow profile allows for unobstructed pathways
  • Professional, clean powder-coated finish
  • Heavy-duty nylon pouch to retain liner(s)
  • Locking front casters
  • Protective measures to reduce wall damage
  • Heavy-duty nylon bag (available option)
  • Designed to prevent an overfilled liner

Geerpres® has been in business for 81 years. Their stainless steel wringers, seamless buckets and EVS carts have been the industry standard in healthcare facilities including hospitals, clean room, food service, education and more. The stainless steel cleaning products offer superior antimicrobial properties required in the healthcare environment. Today, Geerpres® has expanded to include patented, self-dispensing microfiber applicators, disposable mops and wipes that virtually eliminate cross-contamination concerns and increased productivity. Geerpres® also offers a custom cart program that can be tailored for specific needs and facilities. For a complete product line-up visit the website at

Company Contact:
(231) 773-3211
(800) 253-0373

When To Use Reusable Or Disposable Microfiber

Original article written by Becky Mollenkamp and posted on CleanLink.

“Microfiber is really good at grabbing things so you need a good washing process to release what’s been captured and disinfecting process to kill the bacteria,” Cooper says. “Using disposables means you won’t re-contaminate any other surfaces through the wash.”

The decision to use disposables often comes down to cost. Facilities that don’t have their own on-site laundry service will have to pay a third party to wash and dry their microfiber. This can run as much as $.50 a piece, which typically makes disposables the more affordable option.

“Run the numbers and see if disposables make sense for you,” Hicks says. “It’s not an easy one-size-fits-all situation.”

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Geerpres Introduces E-Key™ for Cabinet Locking Systems

Geerpres Introduces E-Key™ for Cabinet Locking Systems

Muskegon, MI, September 12, 2016: Geerpres offers a new choice for innovative housekeeping cart and cabinet locking systems. The new E-Key locking system is located on the front of the cart, eliminates lock/key breakage, minimizes replacement costs, and increases efficiency with a single-hand-push button locking. The E-Key is equipped with a unique embedded magnetic device that automatically locks the cabinet door as it closes. It can be retrofitted on all Shuttle Series rounded-corner carts. The Shuttle Series are stainless-steel housekeeping carts newly redesigned with more style and functionality. And, the rounded corners make for a smoother, contemporary design also make the cabinet interior easier to clean. All carts are equipped with 5” all-swivel-quiet casters for maneuverability in healthcare environments where reduced noise levels are critical. Geerpres’ core product line includes stainless-steel housekeeping carts and a custom cart program, tailored for specific Jan-San needs and many types of facilities and environments. A 10-year warranty is standard on all Geerpres carts.

Geerpres has been in business for 81 years. Their stainless-steel wringers, seamless buckets and housekeeping carts have been the industry standard in healthcare facilities including hospitals, clean room, food service, education and more. The stainless-steel cleaning products offer superior antimicrobial properties required in the healthcare environment. Today, Geerpres has expanded to include patented, self-dispensing microfiber applicators, disposable mops and wipes that virtually eliminate cross-contamination concerns and increased productivity.  ###

Company Contact

(231) 773-3211